I Heart Huckabees

Download I Heart Huckabees
Download Movie I Heart HuckabeesDetermined to solve the coincidence of seeing the same conspicuous stranger three times in a day, Albert hires a pair of existentialist detectives, who insist on spying on his everyday life while sharing their views on life and the nature of the universe.


Jason Schwartzman as Albert Markovski
Isabelle Huppert as Caterine Vauban
Dustin Hoffman as Bernard
Lily Tomlin as Vivian
Jude Law as Brad Stand
Mark Wahlberg as Tommy Corn
Naomi Watts as Dawn Campbell
Angela Grillo as Angela Franco
Ger Duany as Mr. Nimieri
Darlene Hunt as Darlene
Kevin Dunn as Marty
Benny Hernandez as Davy
Richard Appel as Josh
Benjamin Nurick as Harrison
Jake Muxworthy as Tim
David O. Russell

There is only one word you can use to describe this "comedy existensial"
by David O. Russell: reason. Here is a comedy with no real rules. A
sense of brilliant madness lurks in every scene. Emotions run wild,
actions are poorly motivated, people have no idea what the hell just
they are doing! This is said about certain
characters played by Jason Schwartzman, Jude Law, Mark Wahlberg and Naomi Watts. These are
characters who are in deep need for answers to his existence, and that
are playing with ideas that are not very willing to address. But then you have
Dustin Hoffman, Lily Tomlin, Isabelle Huppert and just kind of look
the margin as the most experienced characters.
At the end of the film I could not help thinking about how many other customers
theirs went through similar conflicts. That is ultimately
punchline. What delight I Heart Huckabees is!

This is by no means all means at its comedy. Many
philosophical theories are situated throughout the film, but everything is done in a
"fun". The film does not follow and preach any of the theories, only
his characters. I thought it was important because, well, that's
what makes it so fun. Is not taken seriously.

... is very interesting. You have the younger players as
Wahlberg and Schwartzman very, very hard to try
hilariously over-the-top performances. For exactly the opposite of that, you have
Hoffman and Tomlin that even to try really hard at all. They
not have that. There are pros rational-actor and character sound. This
imbalance in mood and adds only adds to the overflowing of madness
I Heart Huckabees.

There are a lot of things wrong with the film that seem fazer fun and all the more enjoyable to watch. He had a smile on my face
across the whole thing. I Heart Huckabees is an acquired taste.
People love, people who hate, people will be
totally indifferent to it, but I have no doubt that you will find your next one.

My Rating: 8 / 10
I must agree with the reviewer said that this film will appeal to a very narrow

If you are a philosophy major or simply a major black-clad
espresso drinker, probably resent the film of "dumbing down"
existentialism. If you're a normal person looking for a regular comedy
to enjoy, please believe me, skip this movie.

But if you are curious philosophically, to familiarize themselves with Camus, and like
a little dizzy with his comedy, run, not walk, and collect
this movie. That narrow group, and by no means an elite, this is
ultimately feel good movie.

Download I Heart Huckabees
See also: Comedy: Lolita

See also: Jason Schwartzman in Spun

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