Super Size Me

Download Super Size Me
(comedy, documentary)
Download Movie Super Size MeWhy are Americans so fat? Two words: fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month? Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life. The rules? For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must wolf three squares a day; he must consume everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. Spurlock treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and an equal number of regular folk while chowing down at the Golden Arches. Spurlock's grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac.


Morgan Spurlock as Himself
John Banzhaf as Himself
Kelly Brownell as Himself
Ron English as Himself
Ron English as Himself
Jared Fogle as Himself
Don Gorske as Himself
Samuel Hirsch as Himself
Dr. Daryl Isaacs as Himself
Michael Jordan as Himself
William Kish as Himself
Ronald McDonald as Himself
John Robbins as Himself
David Satcher as Himself
Dr. Stephen Siegel as Himself
Morgan Spurlock

Morgan Spurlock undoubtedly aspires to follow in the path of Errol Morris,
Roger Moore, Joel Sucher and other leaders documentarians. A couple

with adoration and a beautiful bride, decides to unmask the evil of fast food
and their impact on an increasingly obese americas. That
Americans eat too much fast food - too much of any food - is exercise and avoid
hardly news. But large-scale documentary examination of laziness
bucket filled focusing on a major commercial phenomenon has not been done before

Spurlock decided to eat at McDonald's McDonald's
only for a full month.
That's three meals a day with no other source of food. Before launching a
what really was a death-defying trip (literally, as he eat food variety
Mickey D's in Texas, Louisiana and a lot of other places) that had
A full workup
baseline with a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist and an internist
receiving more screen time than their colleagues doctors -
gravitates between being supportive and alarmist, the latter every time
the most appropriate response to Spurlock of the strange search.

Spurlock also has a nutritionist / dietician and a fitness trainer
to keep tabs on him. The only missing specialty, in a retrospective
that could have been useful, was a psychiatrist. His girlfriend, a vegan chef
not least
looks forward to the month with a mixture of humor and

"highly me" has a lot of scientific information on the nature of fast food

and their impact on an americas you eat more than they Dina at home, a < br> exchange for a past where the mother or a wife feel most prepared foods.
Nutritionists decry the change in our culture, educators identify
impact of fast food in school cafeterias to children's health, a former Surgeon General
decries the threat seriously and the person in custom - - the-street
suspects shock of spectators bumbling their inability to define terms like
"calories." A spokesman for the food industry is blithely unaware that he is

being created to see how a donkey. And, of course, there are multiple shots of
Spurlock in vain to connect with educated drones at McDonald's seeking a seat
interview that never arrives. Does all this sound familiar?

Spurlock month's consumer products McDonald's gets old fast
although he and the director tries to add something new, as demonstrated
vomiting after a Super downing food. Periodic visits to get your

Bloods and the body found reveal the insidious effect of a strange diet. His
internist tells us several times that has never before seen a liver

committed by a diet high in fat.

The problem, however, is that Spurlock is like laboratory rats
arcane develop tumors after consuming the equivalent of something that no human could ingest
in ten lives. His pilgrimage of a Mc D'sa
another becomes boring as his health is clearly threatened and he

medical advice stubbornly refuses to quit.

The best part of "high Me" is the well-presented information on

schools and fast food and how some are resisting the tide commercial intends
scrap for children from kindergarten through high school. Even prisoners are
said, can be well fed at a price not exceeding fat diets laden with these
essentially sedentary of wards have been in

Technically, this is a well-filmed documentaries with the creative use of

multiple images and graphics. I hope

Spurlock has more ideas for documentaries. He had a lot of time for

thinking about it-an epilogue informs us that took him nearly a year to recover
his former fitness and health thanks in part to her lover's vegan
detoxification diet.

Oh, and McDonald's is phasing out Super meals, a minor retreat in

a serious public health war.

7 / 10.
Greetings again from the darkness. My daughter and I have been
anxiously awaiting the release of this movie since the first reading on that
months ago. Director (and laboratory rats) Morgan Spurlock takes a quick
exclusive diet of food for 30 days and fills us with the painful steps
and repugnant conclusion. Many have attacked Spurlock
McDonalds to choose or not to select as healthy as possible in all
meal. These people are missing the point. He explains in the film that
McDonalds is the choice because in order to dominate the scene fast food
in the world and especially in Manhattan (where he lives).
Also explains its selection of food that show that most orders
include McDonalds french fries and hamburgers. Personally, I asked more about his
many shakes and parfaits. These appear to be the items that were
a little extreme.

For the most part, Spurlock does an excellent job demonstrating
we eat too much fast food, which is very harmful to our bodies, and that there is evil in
conditioning work for children that fast food is real food.
The most frightening part of the story was the school cafeteria
segment showing how children eat when parents are not around when
and school administrators not to pay attention. This is the crux of our problems. The
Professor at Georgetown compared to the first candies that cigarettes
condition of children that cigarettes create happiness. The same is true
for fast food and its Happy Meals and playgrounds. I do not remember too much
with the doctor to compare Spurlock to Nic Cage in "Leaving Las Vegas
." Cage's character was trying to commit suicide, while
Spurlock was an experiment and even considered quitting when
doctors were begging for him. In general, a good documentary, without
total disregard for decency and truth shown by Michael Moore in
most of his films. I think this should be required for all:
junior high and high school students, as well as all parents expect.
This could be an educational tool to convince people to put
a little more effort on their health.

Download Super Size Me
See also: Comedy: Singin' in the Rain

See also Comedy City of Rott

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