Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Download Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
(action, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi)
Download Movie Star Wars: Episode IV - A New HopeIn a distant galaxy eons before the creation of the mythical planet known as Earth, vast civilizations have evolved, and ruling the galaxy is an interstellar Empire created from the ruins of an Old Republic that held sway for generations. It is a time of civil war, as solar systems have broken away from the Empire and are waging a war of rebellion. During a recent battle techical schematics for a gigantic space station, code named The Death Star, have been unearthed by Rebel spies, and a young woman who is a dissident member of the Imperial Senate, under the cover of a diplomatic mission to the planet Alderaan, is trying to smuggle these plans to the Rebellion. But her spacecraft is attacked by a vast warship of the Empire and seized. The dissident Senator is captured, but the plans for the Death Star are nowhere to be found. While soldiers of the Empire search the nearby planet Tatooine, a series of incidents sweeps up a young desert farmer with dreams of being a fighter pilot in the Rebellion, as he winds up with the Death Star plans and also the assistance of an elderly hermit who once served as a warrior of an ancient order whose chosen weapons were powerful energy swords known as light sabers. The pair recruit a cynical interstellar smuggler and his outsized alien copilot with an ancient freighter heavily modified for combat to help them reach Alderaan - but the planet is obliterated and now the foursome must rescue the young woman held prisoner by the Empire and lead an attack by the Rebellion against the Death Star before it can annihilate all hope of restoring freedom to the galaxy.


Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford as Han Solo
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa
Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin
Alec Guinness as Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
Kenny Baker as R2-D2
Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca
David Prowse as Darth Vader
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
Phil Brown as Uncle Owen
Shelagh Fraser as Aunt Beru
Jack Purvis as Chief Jawa
Alex McCrindle as General Dodonna
Eddie Byrne as General Willard
George Lucas

With regard to the many children of the seventies. I rated this movie
as one of the greatest films ever made. Thirteen and I enjoyed this fantasy
holidays more than you can count. Like many other children of the seventies
you actually left before walking into the theater and escaped
adventure when they start rolling drums. Not always special effects and excitement
a boy was looking for. Even today, when I watch this movie on VHS
I remember those days. Whenever I have the opportunity to see him as I am anxious that
thirteen years old, again and again.
I hope that the new film will meet the same expectations of children
of this decade and the next.
When you are casual movie fans (ie: none of my friends) what their favorite

the film is, you might get an answer like this: "Uh .. I dunno ... Jurassic Park 2

was cooler than the first ... Gladiator, but people who had their heads cut
... Scary Movie and shook the man ... This film is so funny. "So

what the hell that means doing? Well, beats me. Not long ago, are having a
"philosophical" conversation on movies, when the issue came to
Star Wars and Quels. (Pre and such.) We are arguing that it was the best.
One of my friends said: "Well marijuana, I must admit, the first is a classic, but
the prequel has its moments. "I swear a tear came to my eyes.
I never thought that this kind of conversation with one of my friends.

My point here is that Star Wars is a classic, even people who do not know

Casablanca Scooby Doo. It has everything you could possibly want:
action, romance, dwarves, cool creatures, citable dialogue, dwarves

bear costumes, score and a great many more dwarf. (Seriously, however, I do not mind

dwarves.) All this in a non-violent, non-racy, perfect-for-your-wee-dear

For those of you who have not seen this movie (yes, all 20 of you.
I'm watching you.) I will tell the plot. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is a
young man who lives with his uncle and aunt in a desert planet. See.

Luke's parents are dead. One day, as is Luke ... outside, something is broken and he

if it were. It turns out that there are two robots in that country, namely
C-3P0 and R2-D2
. They have a message to give to some guy named
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness
turns out to be!) Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher).
Lucas will find old Ben, who lives near his uncle. Old Ben Lucas

gives a long story of how his father was a Jedi and he will be one too,
etc. When you return, Luke's uncle and aunt are dead and now he is not

secure. Hence, Ben and Luke and the robots head to Nar Shadaa, a hole, basically
There will meet with Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his big, uh, monkey-like

I called a Wookie.

There is a lot more plot to this movie, and I would like to pass the threshold of 1000
word before I could explain everything. The fact of the matter is, there is a lot

background for this movie. There are probably more background for this movie
there to your life. (Do not feel bad ...) I used to be a fanatic.
I used to know everything that was going to know about Star Wars. And you
not notice that I began my review by saying that I was blah blah blah
in 1977.
Why is that? Because I was not at all in 1977. I've seen every movie in its special edition
form, in 1997. I had seen movies on TV before, but they

never held my attention. Pending the re-released. Just type in Star
Star Wars
into a search engine. You'll see that this movie has a rabid following and

a detailed history to boot.

The acting here is not important. This is the same level as

old movies adventures of 30'sy 40's, except for some notable exceptions
(Guinness, Ford and some support staff). What makes this film exceptional
is all the spectacle that unfolds. This is never boring,
rarely violent and always a pleasure to see. All creatures, all
characters, all action scenes, all of this film is basically
Those who criticize a film for children, as has just been stupid senseless
action. Well, you are right. But that's what this film is exposed to

be, that's what it is and that's why I like.

Lucas borrowed from Kurosawa and Ford to make this movie, and
many have borrowed from his work. This film deserves to be borrowed from
improved American cinema, as the way people think
"action-adventure" movies, which resulted in dozens of books, two sequels, a prequel
, two television movies , Comic books, action figures and legions of fans.

If you have not seen this ... Well, you probably have not seen much
anyway, so this rental. If you have seen this play again. I think it will

Download Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
See also: Action: Constantine

See also Action Osmosis Jones

Tags: Download Movie Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Download Film Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Instant Movie Download Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope DivX Download
Download mp3 tracks:
1. John Williams - Star Wars Episode IV
2. John Williams - Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (CD2)
3. John Williams - Star Wars: Episode IV - New Hope
4. Soundtrack - Various Artists - Star Wars: Episode Iv - New Hope
Download ringtones:
Download Ringtone John Williams here
Download Ringtone Soundtrack - Various Artists here

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