16 Blocks

Download 16 Blocks
(action, adventure, crime, drama, thriller)
Download Movie 16 BlocksJack Mosley, a burnt-out detective, is assigned the unenviable task of transporting a fast-talking convict from jail to a courthouse 16 blocks away. However, along the way he learns that the man is supposed to testify against Mosley's colleagues, and the entire NYPD wants him dead. Mosley must choose between loyalty to his colleagues and protecting the witness, and never has such a short distance seemed so long...


Bruce Willis as Jack Mosley
Mos Def as Eddie Bunker
David Morse as Frank Nugent
Steve Nuke as Undercover NARC
Jim Lavin as Detective
Richard Donner

Bruce Willis is known for being a big movie star action. Richard Donner is known for being a great director of action. The combination of these two should create great excitement. I saw this on the first day it was out and I think that almost live up to my expectations. Bruce Willis is Jack Mosley, a cop who alcoholic, after a long day of work, has to escort a prisoner to a trial by a witness. Mos Def plays Eddie Bunker, the prisoner with a dream of becoming a baker. They have to go 16 Blocks in a little over an hour. That there are several attempts on the life of Eddie, and Mosley began to suspect the other policemen present. 16 Blocks is an intense emotional journey with many twists. Great camera angles to create more suspense help you really understand what they are going through. David Morse did a great job of foul play by police. The only problem is that you have some parts that make you laugh. This can lead to the seriousness of the film from some spectators. It may be corny and predictable, at times, but 16 Blocks is a good movie and you should see.

Download 16 Blocks
See also: Action: Die Hard

See also: Bruce Willis in Perfect Stranger

Tags: Download Movie 16 Blocks, Download Film 16 Blocks, Instant Movie Download 16 Blocks, 16 Blocks DivX Download

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