X Files, The (Action,Mystery,Sci-Fi,Thriller)

Cherish the past. Enjoy the present. Because the truth is coming. Fight the future.
Discover the past, live the present, fight the future.
Fight the Future
One man alone can not Fight the Future.
Take Your Greatest Fear And Multiply It By X
Take your greatest fear... your most paranoid suspicion... and your darkest nightmare... and multiply it-by X!
The Truth Is Revealed
The Truth is something you're never guess, never have predicted.
Trust in no one Mr Mulder.
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Two people from two worlds. FBI Agent Fox Mulder, a believer. FBI Agent Dana Scully, a Skeptic. Together they must solve the mysteries such as who, or what destroyed a Federal Building in Dallas, what killed 4 firemen and a child supposedly killed in the blast and more, but these mysteries were not placed by some insane terrorist, these were placed by our very own Government.
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